
Messages from the Past, Hucul Printing’s Rich History

Back in the Day . . . Before Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type back in the 1400s, the handwritten manuscript was the method of recording and communicating information of the day. Gutenberg came up with a process for mass-producing movable type which included a type metal alloy and a hand mould for casting type. He also was the first to use oil-based ink and he invented a wooden screw-type printing press. Gutenberg’s inventions were regarded as the introduction to the…

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Do Business Cards need a QR Code?

Have you ever seen one of these? This gaudy looking, ‘ink blot block’ of black & white is called a QR Code. They are actually quite an interesting invention, with the potential to be very handy under some circumstances. These codes behave in a similar way to bar codes, except that you scan them with your smart phone. You can go online to a webpage like this, and program a QR code to do many different things including, sending you to a website, putting…

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