If your club or organization is considering a Raffle to raise money for your cause, Hucul Printing can print the tickets for you.
In preparation, there are several steps before the actual printing process which are necessary.
You need to apply for a Licence from the BC Government Gaming and Licensing Branch.
Go to https://www.gaming.gov.bc.ca/licences/ Licences for raffles are Categorized as Class A, B, C or D, depending on the gross revenue which will be realized.
Once you have received your gaming licence number, it will be necessary to have the following information printed on the tickets:
- Name of organization and description of raffle
- A list of prizes showing fair market value and if the prize was donated
- Price of the tickets
- Gaming licence number
- Date and location the draw will be made
- Consecutive numbers to be shown on the ticket stub and body
- Number of tickets printed
Check with the gaming regulations applicable to your licence class to be sure pertinent information is included.
A standard raffle ticket size would be 8.5″ wide x 2.5″ deep (configured so that 4 tickets are printed on a standard 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of paper).
It would have a stub on the left hand size approximately 2.5″ with a perforation, so that the main ticket body can be detached from the stub.
Other tickets sizes are also available.
The tickets can be printed on any paper and ink colour combination.
They are usually stapled in books of 10 to 25 with a hard chipboard backing, however, any number is possible, depending on the customer’s needs.
Email, or drop in to Hucul Printing to receive your raffle ticket quotation.