Printing Business

Hucul Printing at the Fair!

The Salmon Arm Fair took place over the weekend (September 7th, 8th & 9th, 2018) and Hucul Printing was once again printing posters for the public the way it used to be done! Using woodblock letters that were over 100 years old, Gary, Bernie and Shelley Hucul demonstrated how printing was done in the pre-digital age, and talking to visitors about the history of Printing in Salmon Arm. This year’s fair had a record attendance, visitors had a good time…

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Salmon Arm Observer Archival Footage

This is a video of the old Salmon Arm Observer press room. This 8 mm film (?) was shot by Gene LeDuc back in the early 1970’s and shows what a day was like at the Salmon Arm Observer office back in the day. The film features a very young Bernie Hucul working, sorting type,making coffee and clowning around with some red ink. It also features an even younger Gary Hucul bending steel, sorting type and striking a manly pose.…

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Using Bold and Italics

Most people know about Command-B and Command-I, those nifty tools that are used to emphasize our type. More often than not, Bold and Italics are misused, and more specifically, overused. There are a couple of important rules to keep in mind when you put something in bold or italics. Firstly, bold and italics must be used sparingly. While they do accomplish emphasizing a point, reading is slowed down. Unfortunately, if you put a whole paragraph in bold, it takes a lot…

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How to Prank an Apprentice Printer

“Have you ever seen Type Lice?” Well, back in the day of hot metal printing, these legendary little critters were know to hide out in the dark corners of the print composing room. In order to make up a page for printing, long galleys (trays) of news stories which were cast into lead strips had to be placed into a chase (steel frame), combined with the headlines of handset or lead cast headlines, including the adverting materials; then the whole…

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Make money with Raffle Tickets

If your club or organization is considering a Raffle to raise money for your cause, Hucul Printing can print the tickets for you. In preparation, there are several steps before the actual printing process which are necessary. You need to apply for a Licence from the BC Government Gaming and Licensing Branch. Go to Licences for raffles are Categorized as Class A, B, C or D, depending on the gross revenue which will be realized. Once you have received your…

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“MISTAEKS HAPPEN” - 27 Messed Up Grammar Headlines

Benjamin Franklin’s famous adage, “Take time for all things: great Haste makes great Waste” applies to most things, but especially to the printing industry. This pearl of wisdom teaches that sometimes, you have to slow down long enough to do a good job and long enough to detect errors and correct them. In the printing business, no truer words are spoken. One can only imagine the number of errors that can slip through the cracks, when a big printing company, like a Newspaper, is…

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The Proof is in the Proof - The Proofing Process

So What is a Proof? Proof is a funny little word, sometimes requiring a bit of explanation to new customers who come into the print shop. Dictionary Definition: proof pro͞of noun 2. a trial print of something, in particular. 3. A trial impression of a page, taken from type or film and used for making corrections before final printing. The Proofing Process After the time of design & setup, and before the stage of printing on the press or printer, we create a sample, or a…

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