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Most people know about Command-B and Command-I, those nifty tools that are used to emphasize our type. More often than not, Bold and Italics are misused, and more specifically, overused.

There are a couple of important rules to keep in mind when you put something in bold or italics.

Firstly, bold and italics must be used sparingly. While they do accomplish emphasizing a point, reading is slowed down. Unfortunately, if you put a whole paragraph in bold, it takes a lot longer for the reader to get through the text, which can be distracting and also tiring.

Secondly, bold is best suited for headings and subheadings, and italics are best suited to being placed into body text. Some examples of words to italicize are: references to titles, newspapers, magazines, or words wished to be emphasized.

Thirdly, italics are better suited to serif fonts, and bold is better suited to sans serif fonts when emphasizing points. There are some exceptions to certain fonts however, so this is not a strict rule.

There are plenty of things to consider when typing up your business document or even designing your own file, to be printed by your favourite printers (us!).

Knowing there are so many things to consider can be overwhelming, however, we want to make the whole process a lot easier.

We are available not only for design and setup services, but for proof-reading your documents.



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